Our experts are happy to help you with all your technical questions. If you are experiencing an issue with one of our units, our team is there at your side with our repair service – quick and reliable.

To request a customer service call and for questions about installation and replacement units, unit settings or warranty information, you can reach us at:

Phone: +49 8141 3690 0


Contact information

We hereby authorise Meltem Lüftungsgeräte GmbH & Co. KG to service the unit indicated above in accordance with the customer service conditions, which we have received and read. At the time of completion, an authorised signatory will be present to sign the report. Otherwise, the report shall be deemed to have been accepted in full. 
The warranty period is 2 years from the date of the original invoice. No claims will be accepted for damage or malfunctions resulting from improper use, incorrect connection, contamination, failure to follow the installation, maintenance and operating instructions or unauthorised tampering with the unit. Furthermore, the warranty does not cover natural wear and tear of the unit. Services not attributable to a warranty claim will be charged according to the actual costs incurred.




Contact information

Hiermit beauftragen wir die Firma Meltem Lüftungsgeräte GmbH & Co. KG, den Service Einsatz gemäß den erhaltenen und gelesenen Kundendienstbedingungen am o.g. Objekt auszuführen. Zum Abschlusszeitpunkt wird eine unterschriftsberechtigte Person anwesend sein, um den Bericht zu unterschreiben. Ansonsten wird der Bericht vollumfänglich akzeptiert. 
Die Garantiezeit beträgt 2 Jahre ab Ursprungsrechnung. Es besteht kein Garantieanspruch bei Schäden oder Funktionsstörungen, die aufgrund unsachgemäßer Verwendung, falschem Anschluss, Verschmutzung, Nichtbeachtung der Montage-, Wartungs- und Betriebsanleitung oder eigenmächtige Eingriffe in das Gerät entstanden sind. Die Garantie erstreckt sich ferner nicht auf die natürliche Abnutzung des Gerätes. Einsätze, die nicht auf einen Garantiefall zurückzuführen sind, werden nach dem tatsächlichen Aufwand in Rechnung gestellt.



Service hours
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Labour costs
Hourly rate – man hour: 15 min = 1 work unit
Technician: per started work unit: €17.50
Preparation and waiting times are charged at the hourly rate.

Travel time and travel expenses
Travel time is charged at €17.50 per started hour.
Travel expenses are charged at €0.65 per km for the round trip.

Incidental costs
Accommodation and any applicable fees (tolls etc.) will be charged according to the actual costs incurred, as shown on the receipt.

Spare parts
Spare parts required for repairs will be charged at the current spare part prices or according to a cost estimate.

Terms of payment
Payment is due immediately upon receipt of invoice.

The prices quoted are net prices excluding VAT. VAT will be charged at the applicable rate.