Areas of application for our ventilation
Refurbishment or new build, timber or solid construction, conventional or prefabrication - we offer suitable and flexible ventilation solutions for your residential buildings, halls of residence, hotels, offices and much more.

Timber and solid construction
Wood and wood-based materials can absorb two to three times more heat per unit mass than mineral building materials. In combination with comfort ventilation systems, this results in an extremely economical and efficient solution, as it simultaneously ensures a healthy indoor climate and protects the natural building fabric.
Example of hybrid construction in the plus-energy living concept of the Campus Rosenheim

Comfort ex works
Modular construction/ prefabrication
The wall elements with integrated ventilation systems can be precisely prefabricated in the factory. The prefabricated modules can then be assembled quickly and easily on site, which speeds up the construction process considerably.
New build & refurbishment
We offer energy-efficient ventilation solutions not only for new builds. If existing buildings are to be retrofitted with comfort ventilation, our solutions can also be used for flexible planning.

From small to large
Residential buildings
From individual flats to apartment blocks. Energy-efficient comfort ventilation means fresh air and a healthy indoor climate for residential buildings of all sizes. Energy losses are minimised, as the windows no longer need to be opened for a continuous supply of fresh air.
Health in a small space
Halls of residence
Whether for senior citizens or students, a constant supply of fresh air ensures a cosy and healthy living environment in halls of residence. Filtering out pollutants and reducing allergens, mould growth and unpleasant odours increases the quality of life for all residents.
Example of a student hall of residence with a plus-energy living concept on the Rosenheim campus

Comfort for rooms & suites
Hotels & boarding houses
The use of comfort ventilation systems in hotels offers numerous benefits for guests and hotel owners. For guests, the continuous supply of fresh air ensures a pleasant, healthy indoor climate and a good quality of sleep. For the hotel owner, this means more satisfied guests and a longer service life for the property by preventing mould growth and moisture damage.
Better than working from home
In offices, comfort ventilation systems with heat recovery ensure the continuous supply of used oxygen. The CO2 content in the room is reduced and pathogens are effectively filtered out of the room air. This increases employees' ability to concentrate and their performance.

Planning service
Let Meltem design your ventilation system! Just fill out the form and we’ll do the rest – free of charge and without obligation! Our ventilation experts look at every project individually and develop the perfect solution for you.